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onceuponatime - Woman, 63 years old, Morocco, Casablanca, Casablanca

Info Personnal informations
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Ethnicity :
Middle Eastern
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Height :
5'3" (160 cm)
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Proportional to my height
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Sports Sports / Activities
Internet, Painting, Reading, Shopping, Swimming, Tennis, Travel, Workout

About About onceuponatime
Prince charming exist ... Lucky ones found him.... Except he is somebody portrayed in movies and fairy tales. Mine is so much better and he is real

Interview Interview
What is your favorite pet and why?
I like animals but prefer not to have any at home
What is your biggest dream?
My family and I remain happy and in good health.
You fail on a desert island, what 3 items you brought with you?
I prefer not to imagine myself in a castaway situation
What are your favorite websites?
Many of them
What are your best qualities?
Kind at heart and never take life into serious
What are your worst qualities?
I am not perfect but try to do lots of work to improve myself
You earn 10 million, what do you do?
I never gample
What is your favorite music, singers / favorite bands?
I love Oriental music
What are your favorite actors / actresses?
It depends of my mood
What are your favorite movies?
Romantic, actions
Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
I believe in my destiny.. Take the share of my life and keeps on going
Describe your perfect holiday?
Not to have any commitments. To live live to the fullest
What are your most important values ​​in a relationship?
Respect and honnesty
What are you most proud about?
I am proud about myself as I think I have always been true to myself first
What makes you laugh / cry?
I am like a kid. I easliy cry and easily laugh.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
In a place where I would be happy
You have only six months to live, what would you do?
Try to be true to my vallues
Who is your hero?
My father who taught me that nothing in life is more important than the moral values which makes you proud of who you are.
What has been the biggest challenge of your life?
To remain humble no matter what happens and not to get impressed by anyone because of what they may have
What is your most memorable experience ever?
As I had grewed in age, I have plenty

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