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kengates - Man, 55 years old, United states, CALIFORNIA, los angeles

Info Personnal informations
Country :
United states
Region/State/Province :
City :
los angeles
Ethnicity :
Mixed Race
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Height :
5'7" (170 cm)
Weight :
A few extra pounds
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Self employee
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Sports Sports / Activities
Cinema, Diving, Climbing, Fishing, Football, Golf, Martial arts, Mountain bike, Reading, Swimming, Tennis, Walking, Workout, Skiing

About About kengates
I’m not complicated. What you see is what you get. I’m an open book with large print and lots of pictures. If the book is about me, it would be filled with photos of fond memories with family and friends, many of them from past golf, skiing, biking, wine and diving trips. The prose would be about the things that occupy my time, engage my mind and body and animate my life. Trouble is, brevity not being my strong suit, I can’t do that in 4,000 characters or less (and I’ve tried). That being the case, I will attempt to list them and hope that an image of me will emerge in your mind and a desire to write me note will emerge in your fingers. I believe that each one of us is an angel created by God with only one wing. It is our job to find the angel with the matching wing to truly fly as God has meant us to.

They are: ambition, accomplishment, antiques, anything containing strawberries, art, babies, Bach, backrubs, Bass ale, Beethoven, beaches, beauty, biking, biographies, blue, books, bourbon, Caesar salads, candles, carrot cake, carbon fiber, cashmere sweaters, cheesecake, children, chocolate chip cookies, cigars, clothes, coffee, Colonial & Cape Cod homes, commitment, compassion, conversation, creativity, dedication, devotion, discretion, education, elegance, empathy, Europe, exercise, eyes that sparkle, fairways, faith, fireplaces, fond memories, football, forests, freedom, friends, fun, gardens, German cars, goals, Golden Retrievers, golf, greens, health, heated seats, hiking, history, honesty, hot tubs, hot showers, hugs, humility, humor, ideas, integrity, intelligence, iPods, kissing, knowledge, laughter, leadership, learning, leather chairs, liberty, love, magazines, manners, marriage, martinis, monogamy, motivation, mountains, movies, Mozart, music, my cats sleeping on my chest, mysteries, naps, newspapers, novels, NPR, organization, parties, people watching, pictures of favorite people, pillow talk, presents, rainbow sherbet, reading, restaurants, room service, running, running strollers, science, scuba diving, skiing, sleeping with the windows open, smiles that warm, Snickers, snow, snowshoeing, solitude, spooning, style, sun, sunglasses, sun tans, surround sound, tennis, thinking, titanium, touching, tradition, traveling, trees, Tudor homes, vocabulary, walks, warmth, water, wine, wit, wood, writing…

There you have them. Many (most?) of them, anyway. (Yes, there is a list of things that I do not like, but it’s much shorter and nothing on it occupies my mind for more than an occasional moment.)

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