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Text17172051295 - Femme, 37 ans, Etats-Unis, Pennsylvanie, landsville

Info Informations personnelles
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Grandeur :
5'4" (163 cm)
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Sports Sports / Activités
Baseball, Basketball, Danse, Golf, Hockey, Equitation, Internet, Jogging, Lecture, Magasinage, Natation, Tennis, TV, Volleyball

About À propos de Text17172051295
I am a very sweet, kind and compassionate woman. Life is a great teacher and I have learned what is important to me. Noble qualities of love, compassion, understanding, humility, and maturity can take a relationship deep and far.If life has taken you to a similar point of understanding, we have a good chance if the chemistry is right.I prefer a man with these qualities, along with someone who is sensitive enough to know that old fashioned qualities of being a gentle are very attractive. A strong man is great... strength and gentleness with that touch of humility is ideal, (I know that's asking a lot... nonetheless, there it is).I enjoy the company of a man: to be romantic, have fun, laugh, even be adventurous within the confines of safety (I hope you can laugh at that).I am a music lover and I love many kinds of music from pop/rock, opera, classical, smooth jazz, to West Coast/AOR, and more. I am flexible as long as it's NOT rap. I am not a club person, but going to hear tier one musicians playing smooth jazz or West Coast/AOR, or just great musicians playing different genres, once in a while, can really be great.I also love nature and beautiful exquisite places such as forests, and lakes that refresh the soul, or driving together seeing the beauty of the coast, "with someone I care for" can make me happy. Simple pleasures can sometimes be the most beautiful moments.I'm at a point in life where finding that right person feels very important to me. I've experienced a lot through the work that I've done, and I am less ambitious now, though not less passionate, especially about my interests.I'm looking more for that "person" I want to spend my time with. If our chemistry is right, my loving and passionate side will be there for you.I do want someone who has kept themselves young. Also intelligence, and a good sense of humor won't go unappreciated and goes far with me.I am looking to spend time with good company and someone more refined. I don't mean the label on your jacket. Inner refinement of the more noble, human qualities and respect is very important to me, and I offer that back.Hoping to meet you Real Soon Special Man

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