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markdee20 - Man, 60 years old, United states, CALIFORNIA, san jose

Info Personnal informations
Country :
United states
Region/State/Province :
City :
san jose
Ethnicity :
Caucasian / White
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Height :
6'7" (201 cm)
Weight :
A few extra pounds
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Sports Sports / Activities
Swimming, Travel

About About markdee20
I am intelligent, attractive, successful and fun (and quite humble obviously). I am definitely a warm, quality person, who values integrity. I am basically a happy person, with a positive attitude. I am always learning and growing, and trying to improve every day. I love the theatre, the beach, and music of all kinds. I have many interests, and look forward to sharing yours.The most important quality I am looking for is integrity. Someone who is honest and trustworthy, hardworking and fun. A person who is comfortable with herself, and patient with others. Someone who has her own opinion, and respects mine. Someone who is focused and driven, but keeps track of what is really important. Someone who likes herself, and enjoys life! I'm basically looking for physical attraction, mental compatibility.I am intelligent, attractive, successful and fun (and quite humble obviously). I am definitely a warm, quality person, who values integrity. I am basically a happy person, with a positive attitude. I am always learning and growing, and trying to improve every day. I love the theatre, the beach, and music of all kinds. I have many interests, and look forward to sharing yours.The most important quality I am looking for is integrity. Someone who is honest and trustworthy, hardworking and fun. A person who is comfortable with herself, and patient with others. Someone who has her own opinion, and respects mine. Someone who is focused and driven, but keeps track of what is really important. Someone who likes herself, and enjoys life! I'm basically looking for physical attraction, mental compatibility.

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