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Usagers en ligne (1951)


fredluth - Homme, 60 ans, Etats-Unis, Kentucky, louisville

Info Informations personnelles
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Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'7" (170 cm)
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Proportionnel à ma taille
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Travailleur autonome
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Caméra Web
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Sports Sports / Activités
Basketball, Pêche, Golf, Magasinage, Soccer, TV, Jeux vidéos, Ski de fond, Planche à neige

About À propos de fredluth
I am a simple professional gentleman that is full of life and vitality. I am nice on the outside and beautiful on the inside. I am full of romance and excitement, and have much love and kindness to give every day to My Partner. I am very loyal, honest, Understanding, Down to Earth, Easygoing and can make you laugh! I have a passion for life, love to travel, enjoy cooking good meals together and make time to enjoy great conversations - HAND IN HAND. Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort. I am just a simple gentleman that is looking for a partner that wants to build a family which will live In Generations to come In the future because Life is short for games..Am not here for games, or cam sex whatsoever, I need a serious woman for a serious relationship. I believe time, Honesty, devotion and humbleness is the key in building a wonderful relationship between 2 people that are Interested In one another. I am looking for someone who is a true woman of strength but has a sensitive, caring side. positive about life and the world we live in. A honest person who can become a best friend; someone who treats me and our kids as "number one" or a priority.A person who can complete me; surprise me from time to time; who is willing and committed to the relationship and romance my kind of movies Adam Sandler, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White, Michelle Rodriguez, Rodney Carrington, Ron Jeremy, Eddie Murphy, Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One for the Road, Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again, Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie, Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Dunham , Resident Evil Movie, PRO WRESTLING DIARY, Expendables, Cars, Toy Story, Disney Pixar, Precious, Clark Griswold, Disney, Jeff Dunham are my favourites.

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