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Usagers en ligne (1039)


darenluv - Femme, 39 ans, Etats-Unis, Illinois, Vernon Hills

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
Ville :
Vernon Hills
Ethnie :
Ethnie mixte
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'11" (180 cm)
Poids :
Proportionnel à ma taille
Orientation sexuelle :
État civil :
Scolarité :
Statut professionnel :
Travailleur autonome
Situation financière :
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Nombre d'enfants :
Désire des enfants :
Religion :
Boisson :
Fumeur :
Caméra Web
Possède une voiture :
Temps libre :
Soir Nuit
Signe du Zodiac :

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Sports Sports / Activités
Golf, Internet, Jogging, Lecture, Magasinage, Natation, Voyager, Entraînement

About À propos de darenluv
First thing...sorry but if you DO NOT have pictures on your profile I WILL NOT RESPONSE. PICTURES and your Profile are what I look at.
Life is too short to live without any companionship… I tend to be self-reliant and do not enjoy depending solely on others. I try to be objective in decision making and not let emotions bias my decisions. I am open and honest in my communication and do not like to leave issues to smolder. I would rather bring problems into the open to discuss and resolve. I believe that life is a work in progress. There are so many things in life to enjoy and share. Some things that I need in my life are a sense of purpose, a sense of humor, the feeling of gratitude for my life, the love and respect of my family and friends, new experiences, someone to share all of the above and a great cup of coffee. I need a friend for sharing life, who wants to create a strong relationship with. I want to take long walks with him and share our life's journeys with all joys and sorrows. There are so many interesting things around us worthy to be seen and amazed together with that special person…? I expect someone who is going to be caring, loving, compassionate, affectionate, trustworthy, and faithful, as well and have a strong faith in God. I'm honest, Passionate…have a great sense of Humor, Down to earth, have my Priorities Straight and am a giving and caring person.

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