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baisusan - Femme, 49 ans, Chine, beiljing, ahui

Info Informations personnelles
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Grandeur :
5'10" (178 cm)
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Sports Sports / Activités
Ski alpin, Tricot

About À propos de baisusan
I am an easy going Chinese lady looking for love.I hope to meet my dream man.I am a very loyal, passionate and caring woman. I enjoy loving and showing affection. I am proud to be vegan. I am an animal lover and will rescue everything I can, from a snail crossing the road to a man's desperate heart ;) I shy away from disrespect, confrontation and negativity. I enjoy being a woman and taking care of myself. I am looking for someone to love, to hold and cherish for a life time. Not a day will past without you feeling my love and how much you mean to me. I will tell you I love you a thousand times over. I will make love to you in the sweetest ways and the naughtiest ways. I will care for you as I would my own children and adore you. This is how I define love. So if you are attracted to the fuller figured lady like me, bbw if you wish, and you think you can keep my mind and body intrigued, please get in touch. If you are my Mr Right, I will adore you and only you for eternity, that is my promise to you. AM LOOKING FOR MY LIFE LONG CHOCOLATE MAN. This green gal has a taste for the darker berry ;) I am searching for my best friend, my soulmate, my partner in crime. I want to wake up thinking of you and I want you to be the last thing on my mind when I fall asleep. I want to feel your soul running through my veins and I want to tingle every time you are near. I will admire your qualities such as honesty, affection, intelligence, compassion and loyalty. I want us to share the same goal in making each other happy, whether it be laughing together, helping those in need, sharing peaceful moments in each other's arms or exploring each other's fantasies in the bedroom. I prefer if you are older than me, I feel very sexy n secure in the strong arms of a mature experienced man. Looks are irrelevant to me, what I see is beneath any physical appearance. I get aroused by charm, charisma, intelligence, chivalry, compassion, empathy, romance, attention and devotion. If you think you can capture my mind come n say hi, I don't bite... Unless you want me too .

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