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william91119kb - Homme, 60 ans, Etats-Unis, Alabama, water mill

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
Ville :
water mill
Ethnie :
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'9" (175 cm)
Poids :
Proportionnel à ma taille
Orientation sexuelle :
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Scolarité :
Statut professionnel :
Travailleur autonome
Situation financière :
Très bien
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Caméra Web
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Sports Sports / Activités
Football, Jogging, Magasinage, Soccer, Voyager

About À propos de william91119kb
Plz Read abt me and write back if yo're interested..
I'm a hard-working man who has a sincere desire to please the people I care about. I am faithful, honest, caring, thoughtful of other's feelings and a genuine nice man. I pride my self in been a gentle man and absolutely love treating a woman like a true woman, opening the door, giving a sincere hug and leaving a nice note wishing her a good day at work. Here's my theory... and I have thought long and hard what made an awesome relationship between me and my late wife. Everybody craves intimacy, and need to love and be loved. I feel it is important that each person is important in the relationship, has friendship, character, personality, values, a good relationship between words and actions, and a good relationship with others. Physical attraction and sexual pleasure is very good but doesn't mean love, honesty about needs, mutual respect viewed as a team - 2 unique individuals bringing different perspectives & strengths...please get back to me with your personal e__mail adddresss as i would be taking down my profile soon because i have not been having good responses in my short while and i am not impressed and perhaps you might be the one...

I Love Old Movies, I Enjoy Walks On The Beach, Romantic Dinners And Listening To Music. I Love Going Out To A Romantic Night On The Town Just As Much As Cuddling On The Couch, Of Course With The Right Person...Family is a very important aspect of my life today; My special someone is a package deal, which means it includes unconditional love for her kids even though they may be grown or not. You hear the desires of many who want to feel being loved, desired, wanted, appreciated & respected. Yet they aren't willing to take the chance, be real show themselves & their desires. The past does not dictate the present or future of anyone. (For many it may) We are the master of our own destiny. I have faith & believe in God, I hope she will share that with me....

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't

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