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roseads - Femme, 44 ans, Etats-Unis, Floride, jupiter

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Grandeur :
5'5" (165 cm)
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Sports Sports / Activités
Camping, Pêche, Jogging, Magasinage, Soccer, Natation, Entraînement, movie,  sport

About À propos de roseads
If you re 46 and above,sms me 561 three -one- six-69 five-three, I am looking for a soulmate who can think and dream BIG! Someone to be my best friend and playmate - so that I can reciprocate in a genuine, loving relationship. He is a man who doesn't take himself too seriously and exudes a quiet confidence. He works hard and he plays hard. He believes in self-improvement and is on a path toward some sort of enlightenment. He enjoys culture, nature, and adventure. He is excited to make me a priority in his life. He helps build an environment in which we are both able to be fully expressed in every way. He loves deep thinking, meaningful conversation, and consciously creating our life together. I am looking for a relationship dynamic as described by author Richard Sutphen below: Love me without fear Trust me without questioning Need me without demanding Want me without restrictions Accept me without change Desire me without inhibitions For a love so free... Will never fly away. The time is now for our REAL LOVE. I'm looking for someone exceptional to share in life's adventures. I look at each day as a gift, and I can't wait to share it with a like-minded, extraordinary man like you. What are we waiting for? Let's GO!

I've been very fortunate in life as I have great jobs, friends. I have a good health, work hard and live my life to the fullest. The most of all, I never take anything or anyone for granted. 

So if you're looking for an intelligent, independent, well-educated, classy/sexy, world traveler, passionate, funny, trustworthy, drama free lady 
- I am the one. :) 

My belief, a healthy relationship is built on honesty, trust, respect, accept and more. After all, we all have past, we don't live there anymore. 

I am an active and outdoor adventurist person, like to do outdoor activities(love skiing), hold a regular work out 4x a week , keep in a good shape and live

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