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keith8989 - Homme, 57 ans, Etats-Unis, New york, BROOKLYN

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
New york
Ville :
Ethnie :
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'11" (180 cm)
Poids :
Proportionnel à ma taille
Orientation sexuelle :
État civil :
Scolarité :
École secondaire
Statut professionnel :
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Caméra Web
Oui j'en ai une
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Signe du Zodiac :

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About À propos de keith8989
his is about my past life and take this deeply seriously ok and take your tome reading my profile ok > it starts here 
I have a good head on my shoulders and i am all ways happy and i also like to help out other if i can and honest, fun-loving, people person and i also love children. And I am Aquarius And My Birthday is 01/31/67 that the year I was born in Bronx but rays up in long island ny so a gain my birthday is 01/31 And I am mix with Cherokee Indian And Italian African American and my h is 5/11 my w/t is 219 min built brown skin and brown eyes and black hear and I where glass and they change in the sun like sun glass and I q sure you know what I am trying too say on that right
And I was married for the first time and that was my first girl and wife there was a lot of crazy stuff going on there ok I will explain more to you when we speak on the phone and in person ok and I got my divorce in 2006 and I have my papers ok and I have only first son Brandon lee Williams that my baby he with his mom not buy any courts ok I can get him any time ok and he is a very good kid and that baby son ok and well taking care of. And I love him and I have my own apt in bklyn ny ok And I do have a h school diploma and I all so have a security Officer and NYFD fire watch officer and carry security lic and cert with Microsoft and I also work for U.S. Associates security Inc and O by the way I am in to acting and I am new Braking in to Hollywood my coach is Brooke Bundy from night mare on elm st and the casting dir is Shirley fisher baker abs soaps one life to live all my children / EMAIL ME DIR keith972/gmai

Interview Entrevue
Quel est votre animal favori et pourquoi?
Quel est votre plus grand rêve?
fine a good real woman who on the same page as me and looking for the same long term relationship in person only
Vous échouez sur une île déserte, quels sont les 3 objets que vous avez amenés avec vous?
good ?
Quels sont vos sites web favoris?
that a good ?
Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités?
i am a good person from the heart
Quels sont vos pires défauts?
i do not have any only love to give to that real woman
Vous gagnez 10 millions, qu'en faites-vous?
do not no
Quelle est votre musique favorite, vos chanteurs / chanteuses / groupes préférés?
good music
Quels sont vos acteurs / actrices préférés?
good one
Quels sont vos films préférés?
good one and action
Où vous voyez-vous dans 5 à 10 ans?
with a real woman
Décrivez vos vacances parfaites?
spin it to gather with a real woman
Quelles sont pour vous les valeurs les plus importantes dans une relation?
be real and i q sure you no the rest
De quoi êtes-vous le plus fier?
you tell me talk to me and fine out
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait rire / pleurer?
Si vous pouviez vivre n'importe où dans le monde, où serait-ce et pourquoi?
with my real wife
Il ne vous reste que 6 mois à vivre, que faites-vous?
i pray
Qui est votre héro?
Quel a été le plus grand défi de votre vie?
i do not have areal woman
Quelle est votre expérience la plus mémorable?
i do not no

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