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johngray - Homme, 58 ans, Etats-Unis, Texas, california

Info Informations personnelles
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Grandeur :
5'3" (160 cm)
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About À propos de johngray
I am a professional Doctor as a career. I am very passionate and always willing to take up Necessities. I am 5inch tall with my weight proportional to my height. I sometimes love to be with my son apart from busy times on job. My son is very precious to me since i his Mother died in a fatal accident. At mt leisure time i make sure i complete all other thing that are very necessary concerning my occupation. My time is very precious to me, because of the tedious aspect of my job. Discipline is also a major key in my success and am grateful to that. I am Gentleman very kind and innovative and ready to take up responsibilities. I enjoying swimming, watching football and perhaps reading. I am very kind to people. I am currently in Afghanistan performing my duty as a Doctor. I hate fake people in my entire life. I am very fluent when speaking before crowd and a good dictator. Am courteous very very interesting to be with. I am however, not quick tempered because of my job. Because if patience is not within you cant perform your responsibilities rightfully. I am able to manipulate others. These are my favorite quotes in life: 1. 'Being rejected from something good just means you were being pointed toward something better. 2.Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you've ever been, to stand up taller than you than you ever were. 3.Life is like camera lens, focus on what is important only and capture it perfectly. I was always remember when i was in school and always killing animals with the intention of having surgical operation on them. I have also serves as Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery of Urology at Lenox Hill Hospital since June 6, 2013. 
I was Chief of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Department of Urology and Chief of the Division of Robotics in the Department of Urology of the Mount Sinai Hospital. i was one of the nation’s leading urological oncologists specializing in robotics and minimally invasive surgery for prostate cancer. I am a leader in prostate cancer treatment and Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Protectorate and has performed over 7000 robotic prostate surgeries.
The interesting life adventure of me starts at the age of 15, in 1979, after the Iranian Revolution, when i had to move to Belgium with my younger brother Dan. Six months after, they had to move to Northern London, until we finally immigrated to America, in 1984.
Unfortunately, my family was forced to be separated because of all the changes that have come along with the Iranian Revolution. my father was a business man, and along with my mother, we were not allowed to leave. The only child that has remained with my parents was my little sister, Heidi, who was only 5 years old.The living, the expenses and the schooling where all paid by my parents in advance. I and my brother we were able to study at a private school which was close to the boarding house run by a middle-aged couple. For The living, the expenses and the schooling where all paid by u

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