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Usagers en ligne (451)


imran20 - Homme, 48 ans, Etats-Unis, Californie, Los Angeles

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
Ville :
Los Angeles
Ethnie :
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'11" (180 cm)
Poids :
Proportionnel à ma taille
Orientation sexuelle :
État civil :
Scolarité :
Statut professionnel :
Travailleur autonome
Situation financière :
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Nombre d'enfants :
Désire des enfants :
Religion :
Non religieux
Boisson :
Fumeur :
Caméra Web
Possède une voiture :
Temps libre :
Signe du Zodiac :

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Sports Sports / Activités
Football, Golf, Internet, Lecture, Tennis, Voyager, TV

About À propos de imran20
Simply and Hard working,
I am down to earth person and looking for genuine relationship. I love travel and bit of exercise. Hoping to find Mrs. Right. No time wasters plz.

Well I'm not good in describing myself, ok...here are some of mine:
I'm smart, easy going, fun, a bit adrenaline junkie, have good sense of humor, and love music...it's part of my soul, no one can't separates it. 
Love my parents and family, best buddies, and happy to build new friend-relationships.
I watch any kind of movies, but my favorites are comedy, drama, action. I read books but ain't a nerdy, just hoping able to learn other foreign languages i.e Spanish and Italian....I think those are sexy

I like to travel with or without friends, actually when you're going with friends it'll be fun but at times you need "my time" to enjoy the world right? I once travelled to Spain (Barcelona) and France (Paris) for an international competition. Since it was only for few days, so I'll go back visit there someday.

If you ask me to choose:
* beach or mountain -> Beach
* Summer or Winter -> Summer
* Born as a wealthy guy or a guy who fights for his life -> I choose 2nd
* Cheesy comedy movie or horror -> cheesy comedy
* Skinny or curvy -> curvy looks sexier

Catch these my fave travel quotes:
"The world is a book, those who do not travel only read a page" - Saint Augustine
"Never go on trips with anyone you do not love" - Ernest Hemingway

Won't put that much types of future guy, it will make you guys move back from the battle haha... 
Umm a smart social fun, independent, stable, love God, love his family (parents, bro/sis), love to meet new people, and have driven purposes in their life will be my most preferable to consider. Oh yeah, likes to travel and adventure, sometimes a bit naughty aha! And must have beard too lol
Come on guys why so serious, feel free to ask for further... I don't bite. I'm Single, You're Single...so we'll see from that

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