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Usagers en ligne (562)


Mattchatty1234 - Homme, 54 ans, Etats-Unis, Californie, Los Angeles

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
Ville :
Los Angeles
Ethnie :
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'10" (178 cm)
Poids :
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Travailleur autonome
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Caméra Web
Oui j'en ai une
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Sports Sports / Activités
Baseball, Basketball, Camping, Cinéma, Vélo de route, Danse, Plongée, Escalade, Pêche, Golf, Hiking, Equitation, Arts martiaux, Vélo de montagne, Lecture, Magasinage, Ski nautique, Soccer, Spinning, Natation, Tennis, Voyager, TV, Jeux vidéos, Volleyball, Marche, Entraînement

About À propos de Mattchatty1234
I am ready for something substantial and looking for a person to enjoy our lives together. I love to come up with fun/romantic things to do and places to see together. I'm really affectionate when I connect with someone. I want to meet a person that makes me look forward to being together, and enjoying Miami's ambiance, from the lounges to the restaurants, from the art events, to the beautiful city scenery. On the other side, I adore doing stay at home days and nights together to cook, watch movies, talk with some wine in the balcony and pretty much just be together. What really attracts me is someone that laughs a lot, has a great attitude and enjoys life! 

My days are pretty much filled with continuing to be successful with my career while having the most fun in life possible. Having said that, I would also like to point out that even though a career is important to me I don't want someone that lives to work. 
I have a rule that I gotta travel at least once a year. I'm pretty active, so being healthy and working out are a big part of my everyday life...... although desserts are a big part of my nights, ha ha, I love them!! Following the HEAT/MARLINS/DOLPHINS, as well as enjoying warm sunny days on the boat, riding my Harley, or spending a day at the beach are big interests of mine. Dancing to great music including, of course, salsa/merengue are things I just have not gotten tired of. I just hate to waste a great day indoors.
As far as music.....I Love classic rock, 80's retro, salsa/meringue, and my favorite band is U2!

I've got to say I'm a romantic and I like coming up with surprises, so someone who appreciates that and has those same qualities really has me hooked.
Looking forward to getting to know each other better!

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