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Usagers en ligne (1936)


Herodadlesley - Homme, 58 ans, Etats-Unis, New york, Amityville

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
New york
Ville :
Ethnie :
Couleur des yeux :
Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'11" (180 cm)
Poids :
Proportionnel à ma taille
Orientation sexuelle :
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Scolarité :
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Travailleur autonome
Situation financière :
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Nombre d'enfants :
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Boisson :
Fumeur :
Caméra Web
Possède une voiture :
Temps libre :
Soir Nuit
Signe du Zodiac :

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Sports Sports / Activités
Badminton, Camping, Cinéma, Vélo de route, Escalade, Pêche, Golf, Hiking, Equitation, Chasse, Jogging, Kayak, Lecture, Magasinage, Soccer, Natation, Tennis, Voyager, TV, Jeux vidéos, Voile, Entraînement

About À propos de Herodadlesley
This is one of the most difficult things to do. To say who we are on a screen, using only words. No expression, no gestures, no intense engagement, not a sense of energy or chemistry. And to be honest, I feel that most people base everything on the things that ultimately do not matter. (My opinion, and some statistics haha). I am a simple going guy that likes to have fun, be active and enjoy life. I have a good job and a wonderful daughter who is 10years old. Now all I need is some one to share life with. I like to laugh, joke, and a little sarcasm. Here is a little snap shot of what I like to do: In the summer I like being outdoors going to the coast, camping, fishing, crabbing, boating, rafting, hiking, biking (mountain or casual). During the winter I like to go to the mountain to play in the snow and definitely love to spend time with my lovely Daughter I won´t settle for nothing less than what I want in a relationship. I think good relationships are built on communication, friendship and compromise. I feel like I cannot meet the right person in a bar or club so here I am trying this. I would like to meet someone to spend time with. I am a strong independent person, but I do need someone in my life to share it with. I would like to find someone that I can enjoy spending time with. Someone that makes me happy and laugh and that I can do the same for. I love affection and give just as much as I get. I hate playing games so if you can’t be honest then it won’t work. I like to do about anything. I enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. The lake, the mountains, the city, you name it I like to go to different places and keep it interesting. Just want good company and that special someone to share it with. I appreciate your effort reading this far,well a simple response would be very much appreciated even if it´s to say you´re not interested trust me, I won´t personalize lol but if you interested please feel free to let me know

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