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Deshaun1977 - Homme, 46 ans, Etats-Unis, Illinois, Chicago

Info Informations personnelles
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6'0" (183 cm)
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Sports Sports / Activités
Danse, Pêche, Internet, Lecture, Magasinage, Natation, Voyager

About À propos de Deshaun1977
Snap chat deaster57. Instagram deshaun L easter. Hit me up Not looking for continuously texting looking to meet a real woman. my name is Deshaun. I like reading, traveling, shopping, dancing, massages, being with family, rap, r&b, soul, jazz, old school, hip hop music and the list goes on. My favorite venues are any place with good music & good food, count me in! Favorite food: lasagna, nachos, tacos, Mexican, Soul food, & butter pecan ice cream. I'm a Scorpio so yes, I'm a very sexual person & love to cuddle and passionate kisses. I also love long walks and holding hands. I also enjoy staying at home reading a good book. Or just kicking back on the couch watching a good movie. Things that I do not like are bad hygiene, liars, complainers, someone with no ambition or someone with insecurities. Okay enough of that.I also love high action movies, gangsta flicks & movies to cuddle to. I also really enjoy poetry. Comedy clubs, bowling, & going to the movies. I'm spontaneous & love trying new things. I'm a very adventurous man with a great sense of humor & personality I'm very open minded. And love to make people laugh and show them a good time. I drink occasionally and don't do any drugs. I am loyal, respectful, and honest, and trustworthy. I just need that one woman in my life. Where is my queen ?? I know you out there somewhere. Ladies please leave a message I am a great man and realness is so hard to find nowadays. I am not on any BS and I don't have any baggage. Long-term goals are: To be remembered, To be madly in love, I am 100 percent single & looking for just that one women to make me complete. If you like what you see please send me a message don't be shy. I mean we're here for one reason and that's to find our soulmates, but how will we know unless we try. People are always sayings hold on give me a minute. but some people live their lives within the second. And be found laying alone within a minute. All I want to do is grow old with my queen. Love her, respect her, support her in her dreams, and never ever take her for granted. Ladies this is the real thing. Let's not wait anymore and just go ahead and do this.

Interview Entrevue
Quel est votre animal favori et pourquoi?
Monitor lizard because they're beautiful animals
Quel est votre plus grand rêve?
To be very much in love wealthy and happy
Vous échouez sur une île déserte, quels sont les 3 objets que vous avez amenés avec vous?
Passion faith & desire
Quels sont vos sites web favoris?
OfferUp Facebook and Snapchat
Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités?
Truthful loyal and passionate
Quels sont vos pires défauts?
Telling friends no I have to get better at that
Vous gagnez 10 millions, qu'en faites-vous?
Make sure me my family my friends are straight and invest
Quelle est votre musique favorite, vos chanteurs / chanteuses / groupes préférés?
Gerald Levert Basic Black Keith Sweat Barry White Maxwell Al Green Erykah Badu Adina Howard the list goes on
Quels sont vos acteurs / actrices préférés?
Not really good with names
Quels sont vos films préférés?
Shottas In Too Deep Scarface Carlito's Way Deep Cover Casino Goodfellas The Sopranos the list goes on
Où vous voyez-vous dans 5 à 10 ans?
Very successful married and in love
Décrivez vos vacances parfaites?
Just to be able to spend time with friends family kids and everyone together at the same time
Quelles sont pour vous les valeurs les plus importantes dans une relation?
Honesty Trust loyal understanding communication
De quoi êtes-vous le plus fier?
I am alive and healthy
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait rire / pleurer?
The loss of a loved one or friend
Si vous pouviez vivre n'importe où dans le monde, où serait-ce et pourquoi?
Still looking not sure yet
Il ne vous reste que 6 mois à vivre, que faites-vous?
Make sure that my Affairs are in order and spend all the time that I can with my family and friends
Qui est votre héro?
my nephew tray
Quel a été le plus grand défi de votre vie?
Understanding True Values from every perspective
Quelle est votre expérience la plus mémorable?
I was in a very bad car accident

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