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Bernita - Femme, 36 ans, Etats-Unis, Alabama, Los Angeles

Info Informations personnelles
Pays :
Région/État/Province :
Ville :
Los Angeles
Ethnie :
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Couleur des cheveux :
Grandeur :
5'9" (175 cm)
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Sports Sports / Activités
Vélo de route, Danse, Internet, Jogging, Lecture, Magasinage, Natation, TV, Jeux vidéos, Entraînement

About À propos de Bernita
I am a simple and honest girl looking for her true love.I am in search of my soul mate and need a good man who is not looking for perfection but rather someone who is intelligent,spirited,adventurous,classy and good with a heart pure of gold and a good mine.I hope to meet a man for who they really are someone I can talk to and one who I can share my intimate feelings and everything with.Someone to be my best friend,a brother,a friend etc . One that I can call on ( not for money,house,land or assists) because those are material things,and can never buy my heart love.All I want is to share my love,feelings,aspirations,moment and anything,besides that being there for him in good times or in bad.I am a romantic person, a very passionate person who enjoys making good love,not to just jump on and go or just to be abuse but to enjoy the person's body,fragrance and ambiance around me.
 Someone that is ready to make that passion ignite where two of our spirit soar and collide throughout the horizon and universe together,where two souls shall become one.I always wants to send back love and yes,send that love back that they may know and see how I feel about them.
 My ground rule is look for the love within the person and not the outside as I do not look for a person's built such as being fat,slim,short,tall or tough individual cos this does not make a relationship sweet and it is you so must be acceptable if the person has accepted the challenge to make you his better half.

Interview Entrevue
Quel est votre animal favori et pourquoi?
Quel est votre plus grand rêve?
To meet my dream husband
Quels sont vos sites web favoris?
Facebook,Fishandsee and Skout
Quelles sont vos plus grandes qualités?
Is to meet the man of my dream
Quels sont vos pires défauts?
For never bing hurt by anyone
Vous gagnez 10 millions, qu'en faites-vous?
taking good care of my family and also heloinh the poor and needy
Quelle est votre musique favorite, vos chanteurs / chanteuses / groupes préférés?
I really love listening to Gospel Music,Jazz,Hip Hop, Old Blues
Quels sont vos acteurs / actrices préférés?
I have a lot but love this few ones most, Elton, Micheal Bolton ,James bon
Quels sont vos films préférés?
My favorite movies are Romantic movies and Comedian
Où vous voyez-vous dans 5 à 10 ans?
To have my dream Husband
Quelles sont pour vous les valeurs les plus importantes dans une relation?
love, honesty and children

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